Come Here, Start Here, Grow Here!
Come, Start, & Grow
in Huntingdon County
Huntingdon County Business & Industry, Inc. is a non-profit 501(c)3 certified economic development organization. It is our mission to create and develop economic opportunities for Huntingdon County.
We implement this mission through...
Assisting entrepreneurs, start-up enterprises and existing businesses with financing opportunities, development of business plans and marketing strategies.
Engagement with educational institutions, business owners and human resources teams, on talent attraction and career/workforce development initiatives.
Encouraging investments in the community, and working to promote and enhance our assets.
Collaborations with regional, state and local partners to modernize and maintain our infrastructure needs to support economic growth.
Staying well informed on government programs, policies and procedures, so we can swiftly act on new opportunities, or adapt to any changes.
Whether you are starting a business, expanding your presence or considering relocation to Huntingdon, we can assist you every step of the way. Our extensive knowledge, resources and connections is the advantage your business needs to reach success!
HCBI's County Impact
Since 2020
Clients Assisted
Financing Awarded
New Businesses Opened/Expanded
Mini Grant Money Given
Huntingdon for the Holidays
Shop the
A collective of creative small businesses offering products, services, and experiences as unique as the region itself.